Memorial Hospital Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with its own Board of Directors, by-laws and Articles of Incorporation. Our vision is to develop relationships and financial resources to support the needs of Memorial Hospital, its patients, and employees. The Foundation manages 26 funds that provide financial support for these needs. From medications for cancer patients to cooling blankets for NICU babies, a gift to the Foundation brings comfort and healing to our community.

community giving

Your Donation Counts!

Did Memorial Health System make a difference in your care or the care of a loved one? Or perhaps you’re looking for a place to give and you support our mission. You can choose where your donation goes, and 100% will be used to make a difference in the lives of others.

guardian angels

Recognizing those we count on for so much.

Our Guardian Angels program allows you to recognize and show your appreciation to a specific doctor, nurse, staff member or volunteer by making a donation in their name.


Let’s shine even brighter together!

SHINE is our employee giving program that allows our employees to Share, Heal, Inspire, Nurture and Enrich the lives of others. When we come together, we shine even brighter.

Society 46

Broaden your scope of good in the community.

Since 1946, our providers have been the pillars of this hospital. Through our provider giving program, Society 46, they provide strong and lasting support for the health system and community.

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